Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Monday, June 17, 2013
GMO's are plants or animals that have been genetically engineered with DNA from bacteria, viruses, or other plants. They are not considered to be safe. GMO's cause health problems, environmental damage and violation or farmers and consumer rights. Monsanto is a company that genetically modify plants.
In my opinion, I don't really care. This is my first time hearing about this. It sucks that they cause health problems and stuff, but im not still really sure of what they are or what they do.
Assignment #31 Free choice
My goals for the upcoming new school year are big ! Its finally my senior year and im soo excited! Next year I wanna start at Monta Vista and 2nd semester go back to my home school. I wanna have at least a 3.5 or above. I want to graduate knowing I got myself back up. Im tired of my family saying this and that about me soo its time to prove them alll wrong !
This summer, im taking a ROP class at coastline and I want to get a great grade on that. Im pretty stoked for that! Im taking emergency responder because after im done with high school, ima go to SAC and go into their nursing program. Another thing that im doing after high school is going to Golden West for cosmetology. The reason I want to go and do both is because while im studying for my big career, I want to have a small one on the side and make money. Im pretty sure that I will be successsful in life. I wont let anyone or anything put me down.

Another goal I have is get myself a job. Ive tried getting a job soo many times and its soo hard! Ive done about 10 applications in the past 3 weeks and I've got no response ! I think its because I have no expiernece but hopefully during the summer i find something.
This summer, im taking a ROP class at coastline and I want to get a great grade on that. Im pretty stoked for that! Im taking emergency responder because after im done with high school, ima go to SAC and go into their nursing program. Another thing that im doing after high school is going to Golden West for cosmetology. The reason I want to go and do both is because while im studying for my big career, I want to have a small one on the side and make money. Im pretty sure that I will be successsful in life. I wont let anyone or anything put me down.

Another goal I have is get myself a job. Ive tried getting a job soo many times and its soo hard! Ive done about 10 applications in the past 3 weeks and I've got no response ! I think its because I have no expiernece but hopefully during the summer i find something.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Assignment #29 Use your brain
- No because one of the containers is only 3 gallons. You probably could do it with the 5 gallon.
- 4
- Until 12 days later because he only climbs 1 inch each day
- Seconds in a week by 78851
- one thousand
- $147
- 28 apples
- 204 of each
- 207
- number of hours for 10 years by 1200
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Assignment#23 Typing Test
My favorite game was keyboard revolution. You have to type the letters you see so the girl could dance.
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Assignment #28
If you can raed this, you have a sgtrane mnid, too.
Can you raed this? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can. I cdnuolt blveiee that I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd what I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in what oerdr the ltteres in a word are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is that the frsit and last ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can still ra ed it whotuit a pboerlm. This is bcuseaethe huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the word as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!
I can read this. Its not that hard, its pretty easy.
I lvoe pnik and bclak. My fvoriate mvoie is the lsat snog. My foavirte sutfefd aminal is hlelo ktity, its so ctue. I lvoe my fmaliy and npehwes, tehy are my ervyrtihng !
Assignment#26 Critical Film Review
Burlesque is about a young lady that decides to move to Hollywood to have a better life. In her journey she gets the job of her dreams and falls in love. This movie was a great one overall, well for me. Many girls my age like it, but of course, a guy wouldn't really be a fan of this movie.
Christina Aguilera plays a great role in this movie. Her name in the movie is Ali Rose. Shes the main character and she fits in perfectly. Her voice is perfect and shes soo beautiful. Her main role is singing in a club that she starts working as a bartender thanks to a guy that she meets. She faces a few problems but still manages to get her dream job and fall in love.
Another great character that I liked in this movie is the one that Stanley Tucci plays. His name is sean and hes best friend's with the owner of the club. He could be rude at times, but he gives out great advice to the girls. He makes sure all girls are camera ready for their performance and just make them feel comfortable. He comes out to be gay in the movie and falls in love as well.
Kristen Bell is another character that I loved. Shes Nikki in the film and plays a role that she fit perfectly into. She was the main attraction in the club, but when Ali showed her singing talents everything changed for her. She got jealous and didn't like the fact she wasn't the center of attention anymore. She looked very beautiful in her role.
This movie is a thumbs up for people that like romance with a little of drama. I really love this movie. I spend like everyday watching this movie, I never got tired of it !
Christina Aguilera plays a great role in this movie. Her name in the movie is Ali Rose. Shes the main character and she fits in perfectly. Her voice is perfect and shes soo beautiful. Her main role is singing in a club that she starts working as a bartender thanks to a guy that she meets. She faces a few problems but still manages to get her dream job and fall in love.
Another great character that I liked in this movie is the one that Stanley Tucci plays. His name is sean and hes best friend's with the owner of the club. He could be rude at times, but he gives out great advice to the girls. He makes sure all girls are camera ready for their performance and just make them feel comfortable. He comes out to be gay in the movie and falls in love as well.
Kristen Bell is another character that I loved. Shes Nikki in the film and plays a role that she fit perfectly into. She was the main attraction in the club, but when Ali showed her singing talents everything changed for her. She got jealous and didn't like the fact she wasn't the center of attention anymore. She looked very beautiful in her role.
This movie is a thumbs up for people that like romance with a little of drama. I really love this movie. I spend like everyday watching this movie, I never got tired of it !
Monday, June 3, 2013
Assignment #27 Ten Words
5 nouns that describe me are :
5 adjectives that decribe me are:
- mall
- beach
- phone
- computer
- school
5 adjectives that decribe me are:
- creative
- outgoing
- fun
- respectful
- kind
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