Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Assignment #25 Pop (popular) Culture

What i'm really into right now are two reality shows. One of them is, I Love Jenni. This show is about a famous mexican american singer & her family. Their lifestyle is the same as a regular mexican family. They have a huge family and singing goes from each generation. Jenni Rivera has 5 children and is a grandmother of two. She was born and raised in Long Beach, California. Just recently she passed away in December and it was a big lost in the Mexican community.

Another reality show that i'm really into right now is the Little Couple. This show is about two adult little people that are married, have great careers and want to start a family. Jenn is a doctor in the labor and delivery and bill is a business man. They have their dream house made to where they can reach anything they desire. Just recently they have been trying to have a child, but they havent been able to. So they decided to go for adoption. They adopted a little person from China. He's two years old. He made their dream come true. Now their gonna adopt a little girl from India.

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