Thursday, May 2, 2013

Asssignment #18 Bucket list

1.) One thing I would like to do before I leave earth is graduate from a cal state or university. I would like to accomplish this goal because I want to leave knowing that I did and I was something in life. I want my kids to have everything I didnt.

2.)Another thing I'd like to do is have children. I want to have children because I love kids, and also so everyone can remember me. Kids always fill me with happiness and joy, having some of my own would be perfect.

3.)I would also like to go on a hot air balloon. I have always wanted to go on a hot air balloon ever since I was 6 years old. They look soo fun, eventhough im scared of heights.

4.) Another thing I would like to do is go visit China. I have always wondered about their culture and I wanna see wat its all about. I love their food, and I wanna say proudly that I ate chinesse food at China! That would be soo awesome.

5.)Swimming with sharks is another thing I would want to do. Im terrified of them but I just want to get that fear out of my way. I know it sounds scary but when im done with it, I'll be able to say I swam with sharks.

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