Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Monday, June 17, 2013
GMO's are plants or animals that have been genetically engineered with DNA from bacteria, viruses, or other plants. They are not considered to be safe. GMO's cause health problems, environmental damage and violation or farmers and consumer rights. Monsanto is a company that genetically modify plants.
In my opinion, I don't really care. This is my first time hearing about this. It sucks that they cause health problems and stuff, but im not still really sure of what they are or what they do.
Assignment #31 Free choice
My goals for the upcoming new school year are big ! Its finally my senior year and im soo excited! Next year I wanna start at Monta Vista and 2nd semester go back to my home school. I wanna have at least a 3.5 or above. I want to graduate knowing I got myself back up. Im tired of my family saying this and that about me soo its time to prove them alll wrong !
This summer, im taking a ROP class at coastline and I want to get a great grade on that. Im pretty stoked for that! Im taking emergency responder because after im done with high school, ima go to SAC and go into their nursing program. Another thing that im doing after high school is going to Golden West for cosmetology. The reason I want to go and do both is because while im studying for my big career, I want to have a small one on the side and make money. Im pretty sure that I will be successsful in life. I wont let anyone or anything put me down.

Another goal I have is get myself a job. Ive tried getting a job soo many times and its soo hard! Ive done about 10 applications in the past 3 weeks and I've got no response ! I think its because I have no expiernece but hopefully during the summer i find something.
This summer, im taking a ROP class at coastline and I want to get a great grade on that. Im pretty stoked for that! Im taking emergency responder because after im done with high school, ima go to SAC and go into their nursing program. Another thing that im doing after high school is going to Golden West for cosmetology. The reason I want to go and do both is because while im studying for my big career, I want to have a small one on the side and make money. Im pretty sure that I will be successsful in life. I wont let anyone or anything put me down.

Another goal I have is get myself a job. Ive tried getting a job soo many times and its soo hard! Ive done about 10 applications in the past 3 weeks and I've got no response ! I think its because I have no expiernece but hopefully during the summer i find something.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Assignment #29 Use your brain
- No because one of the containers is only 3 gallons. You probably could do it with the 5 gallon.
- 4
- Until 12 days later because he only climbs 1 inch each day
- Seconds in a week by 78851
- one thousand
- $147
- 28 apples
- 204 of each
- 207
- number of hours for 10 years by 1200
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Assignment#23 Typing Test
My favorite game was keyboard revolution. You have to type the letters you see so the girl could dance.
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Assignment #28
If you can raed this, you have a sgtrane mnid, too.
Can you raed this? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can. I cdnuolt blveiee that I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd what I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in what oerdr the ltteres in a word are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is that the frsit and last ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can still ra ed it whotuit a pboerlm. This is bcuseaethe huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the word as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!
I can read this. Its not that hard, its pretty easy.
I lvoe pnik and bclak. My fvoriate mvoie is the lsat snog. My foavirte sutfefd aminal is hlelo ktity, its so ctue. I lvoe my fmaliy and npehwes, tehy are my ervyrtihng !
Assignment#26 Critical Film Review
Burlesque is about a young lady that decides to move to Hollywood to have a better life. In her journey she gets the job of her dreams and falls in love. This movie was a great one overall, well for me. Many girls my age like it, but of course, a guy wouldn't really be a fan of this movie.
Christina Aguilera plays a great role in this movie. Her name in the movie is Ali Rose. Shes the main character and she fits in perfectly. Her voice is perfect and shes soo beautiful. Her main role is singing in a club that she starts working as a bartender thanks to a guy that she meets. She faces a few problems but still manages to get her dream job and fall in love.
Another great character that I liked in this movie is the one that Stanley Tucci plays. His name is sean and hes best friend's with the owner of the club. He could be rude at times, but he gives out great advice to the girls. He makes sure all girls are camera ready for their performance and just make them feel comfortable. He comes out to be gay in the movie and falls in love as well.
Kristen Bell is another character that I loved. Shes Nikki in the film and plays a role that she fit perfectly into. She was the main attraction in the club, but when Ali showed her singing talents everything changed for her. She got jealous and didn't like the fact she wasn't the center of attention anymore. She looked very beautiful in her role.
This movie is a thumbs up for people that like romance with a little of drama. I really love this movie. I spend like everyday watching this movie, I never got tired of it !
Christina Aguilera plays a great role in this movie. Her name in the movie is Ali Rose. Shes the main character and she fits in perfectly. Her voice is perfect and shes soo beautiful. Her main role is singing in a club that she starts working as a bartender thanks to a guy that she meets. She faces a few problems but still manages to get her dream job and fall in love.
Another great character that I liked in this movie is the one that Stanley Tucci plays. His name is sean and hes best friend's with the owner of the club. He could be rude at times, but he gives out great advice to the girls. He makes sure all girls are camera ready for their performance and just make them feel comfortable. He comes out to be gay in the movie and falls in love as well.
Kristen Bell is another character that I loved. Shes Nikki in the film and plays a role that she fit perfectly into. She was the main attraction in the club, but when Ali showed her singing talents everything changed for her. She got jealous and didn't like the fact she wasn't the center of attention anymore. She looked very beautiful in her role.
This movie is a thumbs up for people that like romance with a little of drama. I really love this movie. I spend like everyday watching this movie, I never got tired of it !
Monday, June 3, 2013
Assignment #27 Ten Words
5 nouns that describe me are :
5 adjectives that decribe me are:
- mall
- beach
- phone
- computer
- school
5 adjectives that decribe me are:
- creative
- outgoing
- fun
- respectful
- kind
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Assignment #25 Pop (popular) Culture
What i'm really into right now are two reality shows. One of them is, I Love Jenni. This show is about a famous mexican american singer & her family. Their lifestyle is the same as a regular mexican family. They have a huge family and singing goes from each generation. Jenni Rivera has 5 children and is a grandmother of two. She was born and raised in Long Beach, California. Just recently she passed away in December and it was a big lost in the Mexican community.

Another reality show that i'm really into right now is the Little Couple. This show is about two adult little people that are married, have great careers and want to start a family. Jenn is a doctor in the labor and delivery and bill is a business man. They have their dream house made to where they can reach anything they desire. Just recently they have been trying to have a child, but they havent been able to. So they decided to go for adoption. They adopted a little person from China. He's two years old. He made their dream come true. Now their gonna adopt a little girl from India.

Another reality show that i'm really into right now is the Little Couple. This show is about two adult little people that are married, have great careers and want to start a family. Jenn is a doctor in the labor and delivery and bill is a business man. They have their dream house made to where they can reach anything they desire. Just recently they have been trying to have a child, but they havent been able to. So they decided to go for adoption. They adopted a little person from China. He's two years old. He made their dream come true. Now their gonna adopt a little girl from India.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Assignment #20 Free choice
My Family
I don't have the perfect family, but I have soo much love for them. We are a family of six with six nephews and neices, so a total of twelve. Im the youngest out of five. Its Jesse, Jaime, Mario, Rosa and myself with my mom. My father passed away when I was two years old. It sucks to see other girls with their dads and the special bond they have but I know god is good and he took him for a good reason.
All our lives we've lived in Costa Mesa. Three of my siblings have their own little family now. I have 2 nephews and 4 neices. Being an aunt is soo fun. Im always there for those little trouble makers. I love them as if they were my kids. I raised the oldest boy, which is 5 years old now when his mother left him and my brother. It feels good to come home and he has drawing done for me that he did at school. Its soo cute.
My sister Rosa is still in college, shes trying to be a RN. Shes a great mother to her two little daughters. She changed for the better and im soo proud of her. My brother Jesse still lives with my mom and I with his two kids. He didnt finish high school, but has a great job that keeps him and his two sons okkay. My brother Mario just got out of prison for making a few bad choices and my brother Jaime lives in Oregon with his wife and daughter.
Everyone seems to have their own life now, my mom is always trying to see everyone. She misses them I know that for a fact. When we all get together, just us, its always soo much fun with a little drama, hehe. Who doesnt have that in their family ! Like I said, my family isn't perfect, but I love them !

All our lives we've lived in Costa Mesa. Three of my siblings have their own little family now. I have 2 nephews and 4 neices. Being an aunt is soo fun. Im always there for those little trouble makers. I love them as if they were my kids. I raised the oldest boy, which is 5 years old now when his mother left him and my brother. It feels good to come home and he has drawing done for me that he did at school. Its soo cute.
My sister Rosa is still in college, shes trying to be a RN. Shes a great mother to her two little daughters. She changed for the better and im soo proud of her. My brother Jesse still lives with my mom and I with his two kids. He didnt finish high school, but has a great job that keeps him and his two sons okkay. My brother Mario just got out of prison for making a few bad choices and my brother Jaime lives in Oregon with his wife and daughter.

Assignment #24 Typing
The experience I have with typing is pretty descent. During my freshmen year at Newport Harbor, I took a business class and the teacher gave us few excersices on the keyboard before we actually started our course.
This website that I found seems pretty intresting to me. It has tutors that will help you with your typing, and most cool part its that its free ! It also has games to help you as well. The games come in different levels to see how fast you can type. After your finished the lessons and you move up a level, you get a certificate saying how fast you are.
This website that I found seems pretty intresting to me. It has tutors that will help you with your typing, and most cool part its that its free ! It also has games to help you as well. The games come in different levels to see how fast you can type. After your finished the lessons and you move up a level, you get a certificate saying how fast you are.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
assignment#22 smoking
10 Reasons Why People Start Smoking :
1.) Peer Pressure
2.) Social Rewards
3.) Risk-taking Behavior
4.) Parental Influence
5.) Misinformation
6.) Genetic Predisposition
7.) Advertising
8.) Self-medication
9.) Meda Influences
10.) Stress Relief
My opinion about smoking is that you shouldn't do it. I myself have never in my life smoked and I don't plan on it. Many people my age do it because of peer pressure and it sucks seeing them stuck to it because later in life they could get lung cancer. The smell of it is soo nasty, who would want to smell like cigaratte. The worst part is that they rot your teeth. Thats really disturbing to see people with rotten teeth. My grandfather died of lung cancer due to smoking and my brother got asthma for it. It sucks that one little cigaratte can do soo much damage. That's why i would never do it, not just cigarattes but everything else.
1.) Peer Pressure
2.) Social Rewards
3.) Risk-taking Behavior
4.) Parental Influence
5.) Misinformation
6.) Genetic Predisposition
7.) Advertising
8.) Self-medication
9.) Meda Influences
10.) Stress Relief
My opinion about smoking is that you shouldn't do it. I myself have never in my life smoked and I don't plan on it. Many people my age do it because of peer pressure and it sucks seeing them stuck to it because later in life they could get lung cancer. The smell of it is soo nasty, who would want to smell like cigaratte. The worst part is that they rot your teeth. Thats really disturbing to see people with rotten teeth. My grandfather died of lung cancer due to smoking and my brother got asthma for it. It sucks that one little cigaratte can do soo much damage. That's why i would never do it, not just cigarattes but everything else.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Charities Assignment#19
Make-A-Wish Foundation is a charity that grants a wish to every child that has a life threatening life condition, such as cancer. They get to make a wish of what they would like to do or have and with help from others, they try to grant each child's wish. This charity is between ages 2 1/2 to 18 years of age. It has filled more than 3,500 wishes since this charirty was founded in 1983. They want ever child to feel joy, happiness. Fell like everything is alright and that everything will be okkay soon, they give them strenghth.
This charity is important to me because I love children and it breaks my heart to see them or even hear that they have a life threatening disease. If I was in their shoes, I would like to know that other people that I dont even know cares about me. Every child is just an innocent human being with life full of joy and happiness, they shouldnt be going through all that. They are full of energy, they should be happy enjoying their time of their lives, instead of being in bed all day. I wish the best upon those young chilldren and I hope they find a cure for all the things that they are going through.
This charity is important to me because I love children and it breaks my heart to see them or even hear that they have a life threatening disease. If I was in their shoes, I would like to know that other people that I dont even know cares about me. Every child is just an innocent human being with life full of joy and happiness, they shouldnt be going through all that. They are full of energy, they should be happy enjoying their time of their lives, instead of being in bed all day. I wish the best upon those young chilldren and I hope they find a cure for all the things that they are going through.
Friday, May 3, 2013
Assignment #16 Expertise
Something I am good at is helping others. I love to help others. It dont matter if its just helping someone walk across the street, I'll do it. I just love the feeling you get after helping someone, its just something words cant express. My mom taught me to be this way. Ever since I was small, I would always see my mom trying to help other families and donating money to hospitals. I remember we would go to the grocery store and there was always this man outside with a wheelchair asking for money and my mother would always give him a few dollars.
A few things that I do is I volenteeer at my mothers job. Shes a caregiver, so when I go over to her job with her, I usually help the residents with their food and stuff. Another thing I do is donate canned food to soup kitchen. Cannned food is usually cheap and on sale all the time so when we have extra money left over, we use it for that.

Some other things I do is donate money to the poor. Whenever I get paid from taking care of my nephews, $20 goes to that. Im use to it, my mother taught me. Another thing is my mother makes me participate on a church carnival, to help out raising money, its usually fun but is a lot of work.
Helping others feels great. Everyone shpuld try it. One little thing that you do, can mean so much to someone else. Seeing peoples reactions are priceless. I thank my mom for teaching me to be this way. It makes me feel grateful for everything that I have.
A few things that I do is I volenteeer at my mothers job. Shes a caregiver, so when I go over to her job with her, I usually help the residents with their food and stuff. Another thing I do is donate canned food to soup kitchen. Cannned food is usually cheap and on sale all the time so when we have extra money left over, we use it for that.

Some other things I do is donate money to the poor. Whenever I get paid from taking care of my nephews, $20 goes to that. Im use to it, my mother taught me. Another thing is my mother makes me participate on a church carnival, to help out raising money, its usually fun but is a lot of work.
Helping others feels great. Everyone shpuld try it. One little thing that you do, can mean so much to someone else. Seeing peoples reactions are priceless. I thank my mom for teaching me to be this way. It makes me feel grateful for everything that I have.
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Asssignment #18 Bucket list
1.) One thing I would like to do before I leave earth is graduate from a cal state or university. I would like to accomplish this goal because I want to leave knowing that I did and I was something in life. I want my kids to have everything I didnt.
2.)Another thing I'd like to do is have children. I want to have children because I love kids, and also so everyone can remember me. Kids always fill me with happiness and joy, having some of my own would be perfect.
3.)I would also like to go on a hot air balloon. I have always wanted to go on a hot air balloon ever since I was 6 years old. They look soo fun, eventhough im scared of heights.
4.) Another thing I would like to do is go visit China. I have always wondered about their culture and I wanna see wat its all about. I love their food, and I wanna say proudly that I ate chinesse food at China! That would be soo awesome.
5.)Swimming with sharks is another thing I would want to do. Im terrified of them but I just want to get that fear out of my way. I know it sounds scary but when im done with it, I'll be able to say I swam with sharks.
2.)Another thing I'd like to do is have children. I want to have children because I love kids, and also so everyone can remember me. Kids always fill me with happiness and joy, having some of my own would be perfect.
3.)I would also like to go on a hot air balloon. I have always wanted to go on a hot air balloon ever since I was 6 years old. They look soo fun, eventhough im scared of heights.
4.) Another thing I would like to do is go visit China. I have always wondered about their culture and I wanna see wat its all about. I love their food, and I wanna say proudly that I ate chinesse food at China! That would be soo awesome.
5.)Swimming with sharks is another thing I would want to do. Im terrified of them but I just want to get that fear out of my way. I know it sounds scary but when im done with it, I'll be able to say I swam with sharks.
Monday, April 29, 2013
Assignment #17 Stranded
If I were to be stranded on a destered island I would like to have a flashlight with me. I would like to have a flashlight because im scared of the dark. I would go crazy if I was there without any light. Im a big scary cat when it comes down to darkness.
I would also like to have something to write with. At least a pencil or a pen with a few paper. I would like to have that so I wont get tired of being there and that way I'll try to get some sort of help. If I see a bird, I can just send it with him and hope to get help.
Another thing I would like to have is water. As long as I have water, I will survive. Water can keep me hydrated and full.

Another thing I would like to have is water. As long as I have water, I will survive. Water can keep me hydrated and full.
Friday, April 26, 2013
Assignment #15 My Dream Job
My dream job/career is to be a Registered Nurse in the Labor & Delivery Department. Being a RN in that department requires lots and lots of patience and understanding coming from the patients. I want to do this career because I love newborn babies, I think they're so cute ! Just seeing the way that my sister looked when she had my neice, that reaction was priceless, shes one of my main inspirations to do this. I love seeing and making people happy.
The moment I saw the nurse helping my sister out when she was waiting for labor, inspired me to become a nurse in the labor and delivery department. I loved the way she made sure the mother and the baby were doing okkay every 30 minutes or so, she would check the babys heart beat, would assist my sister properly and overall just managed to take great care of her.
The nurse alerts everyone and the doctor when the patient is ready to give birth. She helps the patient wait for contractions to tell her to push, when the baby is almost out she lets the mother know so she can give one last big push. After the baby is born, the nurse checks his heartbeat, showers him, weights and check his length, and make sure he doesnt have anything in his nose, ears, and throat from the placentia. When she finishes she gives the baby back to the mother. Sometimes nurses at the request of the patient take the baby at night and let the parents sleep. The nurses make sure they get fed, they change their diapers and make the baby burp.
Becoming a Registered Nurse was also a promise I made to my father and ima keep it. Being a nurse in that department seems like full of work but it doesn't matter. I will get all the education I need and I will become one.
The moment I saw the nurse helping my sister out when she was waiting for labor, inspired me to become a nurse in the labor and delivery department. I loved the way she made sure the mother and the baby were doing okkay every 30 minutes or so, she would check the babys heart beat, would assist my sister properly and overall just managed to take great care of her.
The nurse alerts everyone and the doctor when the patient is ready to give birth. She helps the patient wait for contractions to tell her to push, when the baby is almost out she lets the mother know so she can give one last big push. After the baby is born, the nurse checks his heartbeat, showers him, weights and check his length, and make sure he doesnt have anything in his nose, ears, and throat from the placentia. When she finishes she gives the baby back to the mother. Sometimes nurses at the request of the patient take the baby at night and let the parents sleep. The nurses make sure they get fed, they change their diapers and make the baby burp.
Becoming a Registered Nurse was also a promise I made to my father and ima keep it. Being a nurse in that department seems like full of work but it doesn't matter. I will get all the education I need and I will become one.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Assignment #13 My Favorite
My favorite person in this whole wide world is my mother. She's just plain beautiful. I love that lady soo much, words cant express my love for her. She became a single mother of five after my father died, but that didnt stop her from raiseing us. She is truely a great women. I always tell my mother that eventhough I do stupid things and slack off for a bit, I do it because I want to, not because she failed in raising me. My mom tends to blame herself for everything that my brothers and I do because my father isn't here.
My mother is my favorite person in this world because no matter what I do, no matter how much in trouble I get, at the end of the day she always shows that she loves me. She is such a strong, independent women that raised five children with no help from anyone. Thats what I love about my mother, that my fathers death didnt affect her. My brothers told me that when my father died, she wouldnt let herself cry in front of them, she would lock herself in the room and come back like nothing was wrong. My mom has gone through so much but no matter what, shes always here for my brothers and I. As much as people have tried, nothing and no one can break my mom. She is unbreakable.
My mother and I love to spend time togther. We usually always go shopping and twice a month we go for a pedi and a mani. I love spending time with her, she spoils me, im her baby ! She still treats me like one just because my brothers are all grown up with kids. No one will ever replace my mother. NO ONE !

My mother is my favorite person in this world because no matter what I do, no matter how much in trouble I get, at the end of the day she always shows that she loves me. She is such a strong, independent women that raised five children with no help from anyone. Thats what I love about my mother, that my fathers death didnt affect her. My brothers told me that when my father died, she wouldnt let herself cry in front of them, she would lock herself in the room and come back like nothing was wrong. My mom has gone through so much but no matter what, shes always here for my brothers and I. As much as people have tried, nothing and no one can break my mom. She is unbreakable.
My mother and I love to spend time togther. We usually always go shopping and twice a month we go for a pedi and a mani. I love spending time with her, she spoils me, im her baby ! She still treats me like one just because my brothers are all grown up with kids. No one will ever replace my mother. NO ONE !

Tuesday, April 2, 2013
My name is Daniela Ruelas. I love the color black. I'm a junior at Back Bay High School. Hanging out with friends is my thing; love to be outdoors ! Hello Kitty is my favorite. I love to travel, especially to Mexico.
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